TRICO (Trichoderma viride)

  • A formulation containing Trichoderma viride 1.5% W.P. (Bio-Pesticide)
  • Spore count (CFU): 2×106 /g minimum)
  • Effectively controls soil borne pathogens causing-  
  • Bacterial wilt disease of Tomato, Brinjal, Okra    
  • Root-rot disease of Carrot and  
  • Plant Parasitic nematodes Specifically Root-Knot nematodes infecting Tomato, Brinjal, Carrot & Okra.

DOSAGE: For soil application:2kg/acre, for seed treatment: 20-25 g/kg of seeds

TRICO: It is an effective biological fungicide. This fungus is used as a friendly fungus to control fungal diseases especially on the roots and tubers of crops. TRICO can be used for pre-sowing treatment as well as post-emergence diseases such as plant blight, root rot and tuber rot by drenching or dripping. Mainly fungal diseases like Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Sclerotium can be effectively controlled by the use of TRICO. Also, the use of Trico is beneficial for protection against diseases caused by nematodes in addition to fungicides.

Trichoderma viride: T. viride is a green mold that tolerates temperatures between 150C & 400C and pH between 5-7. With the ability of mycoparasitism (one fungus attacks another one), a wide Specter of mycotoxins and enzymes gives T. viride the ability to colonize and take all surrounding nutrients compared to other organisms.

With mycelium that expands incredibly quickly and the ability to metabolite sugars from other types of environmental polymers such as cellulose (from plants), glucan (from fungi), and chitin (from insects), making glucose out of them, it starves other neighbouring fungi. Such aggressive behaviour and rapid growth rate were recognized and utilized to control certain plant pathogens.

With its protective enzymes, T.viride is a good antimicrobial agent against pathogens like fungi and bacteria.

Furthermore, as a saprophyte, T.viride uses its hydrolytic enzymes to decompose lignocellulose and circle back nutrients to the plants, thereby boosting root growth.

Also T.viride supports the growth of root hairs, which allows plants to penetrate deeper into the soil, taking more water and nutrients to support overall plant growth, hence increase crop yields.

T.viride can modify environmental conditions and strengthens the plant’s immune response.

Recommonded crops: Cauliflower, cotton, tobacco, soybean, sugarcane, sugarbeet, eggplant, red gram, banana, coconut, tomato, chillies, potato, citrus, onion, groundnut, peas, sunflower, brinjal, ginger, turmeric, pepper, betel vine, cardamom.

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