Pral Agri Solutions provides modern technology solutions to feed the crops, protect them from pests & diseases and manage soil fertility from seed to harvest in an eco-friendly manner. Pral Agrisolutions has been working with microbes for over a decade. Efficient strains have been collected, tested and selected with award winning and patented formulation processes into hi-tech products. All products are registered for use as bio fertilizers at FCO [Fertilizer Control Order], as pesticides and plant growth regulators at CIB & RC [Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee]. All products are Non-toxic, non-hazardous, eco-friendly and cost effective.

Tips for effective use of biofertilizers or biopesticides:

Always remember while application of biopesticides or biofertilizers…

  1. Do not use chemical fertilizers 4-5 days before or after the application of Biopesticides or biofertilizers
  2. Make sure that the soil should be moist enough while applying biopesticides or biofertilizers.
  3. Do not use on dry land, soil moisture is very important to get more effective results of biopesticides or biofertilizers.
  4. For seed treatment do not put directly into the sunlight after application of biopesticides or biofertilizers.


Excessive use of chemical fertilizers is polluting our soils and water bodies. Less than 30% of the applied fertilizers are used by the plants and the rest are leached into water bodies or fixed as unavailable form in the soil. This wasteful expenditure increases the costs of cultivation and pollutes environment, food and water. Bio-fertilizers provide supplements like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc in safe and ecological way. PGPR bacteria (Plant Growth Promoting) improve growth of plant substantially. Mycorrhizal biofertilizer promotes dense root growth and helps plants for better absorption of nutrients.

Bio-fertilizers can be used as seed dressers, soil inoculants and foliar inoculants. Bio-fertilizers can provide 25-30 kg/acre of Nitrogen and 10-15 kg/acre of Phosphorus. Biofertilizers can help the plant to retain moisture, nutrients thus help to protect plant from transplantation shock, salinity, alkaline condition & acidity also to overcome stress caused by pest/disease/herbicide/pesticide/ temperature/water.



In present scenario, it is mandatory to use eco-friendly methods in the management of agricultural practices. Anthropogenic activities have posed a threat to soil health and productivity. Indiscriminate use of chemicals such as pesticides, insecticides and fertilizers has deteriorated the environment and the ecological balance. We have become too much reliant on the use of chemicals for farming. Agrochemicals might pose as a swift solution to everything in the present but might create severe problems for the future generations. We must adapt to sustainable farming methods for the conservation of soil health and ecological balance. For practicing sustainable agriculture, we must consider the use of biocontrol agents for disease management and plant growth.

Bio-pesticides are formulations of entomopathogenic (killing insects), fungicidal (killing fungi) and nematophagous (killing nematodes) microbes. Bio-pesticides control the pests by causing diseases. They are safe, residue free with zero pre-harvest intervals. Apart from this, it reduces input costs and environmental pollution. Bio-pesticides are used as soil and foliar sprays. For best results bio-pesticides are incorporated into normal package of practices during farming. Main reason is to create sufficient population density of bio-pesticide microbes which help to reduce unnecessary sprays. For best results start early and check for compatibility with chemicals.


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