• A powder formulation of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) containing (viable inoculum/infective propagules)1200 IP/g.
  • It is a dextrose base mycorrhizal biofertilizer, SP (Soluble Powder)


  • Helps in the development of profuse root branching of plant.
  • Increase uptake of water so can protect the plant from drought (Drought tolerance).
  • Increase uptake and mobilization of phosphorus and micronutrients, hence quality & quantity of crop yield enhanced.
  • Retains moisture, thus helps to protect plant from transplantation shock, salinity, alkaline condition & acidity.
  • Increase seedling survival.
  • Improve plant immunity & protect crop from various soil borne infections.
  • Produces plant growth hormones resulting in better growth of plants.
  • Improves structure & texture of the soil thus restoring natural fertility.
  • Prevents infestation of plant pathogenic nematodes and fungi.

DOSAGE: For soil application: 250g/ acre, for seed treatment: 5-10 g/kg of seeds.

PLANTORRHIZA: Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) is a symbiotic type of friendly fungus that grows on the roots of soil crops and grows in the soil in a network-like form as if there are many branches and sub-branches in the soil. Such co-growth of fungi and roots provides the roots with an abundant supply of soil nutrients, mainly phosphorus. Moreover, the mycorrhizal fungi absorb more water and nutrients and supply them to the crop through the roots due to their larger size than white roots.

The use of Plantorrhiza not only provides the crops with major, micro and secondary nutrients in the soil but also protects the crop from the attack of harmful fungi in the soil. The ability to withstand water stress in drought conditions and the function of absorbing moisture from the lower layer of the soil and providing it to the crop is well done by this fungus. Increases the availability of phosphorus, nitrogen, sulphur, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium in the roots which can save up to 25-50% of the fertilizer use.

Plantorrhiza is a biofertilizer that adheres to plant rhizoids and leads to the development of hyphae. The hyphae penetrate and form arbuscules within the root cortical. External hyphae of mycorrhizae networks expand the field of water and nutrient uptake. In addition, the size of the hyphae which is finer than root hairs allows hyphae penetrates into the pores of the soil even small (micro) so that hyphae can absorbs water on the low soil conditions.

VAM fungi present in Plantorrhiza add extensive networks of absorbing strands to the roots to mine for water and dissolved minerals from the soil. The capability of Plantorrhiza to fix phosphates and other nutrients (nitrogen, sulphur, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium) present in the soil increased as VAM fungi attack complex organic compounds, converting them into simple ones that can be absorbed and used by fungi/host plants to meet their energy needs for growth and reproduction.

In spite of having a high ability to increase the absorption of water and nutrients, especially Plantorrhiza acts as a patron for the pathogen biological roots. Also, it gives more resistance to drought stress, acidity, salinity, heavy metal toxicity in soil.

Plantorrhiza helps in increasing the production of the hormone auxin which works to increase the elasticity of the cell walls and prevent or slow the aging process of root.

Recommended crops: All cash crops- Paddy, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Potato, Wheat, Cotton; Fruit crops- Banana, Mango, Pomegranate; Vegetables- Onion, Garlic, Tomato; Garden and nursery plants, turfs & ornamental plants etc.

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