• A formulation containing phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) not less than 5×107 CFU/g
  • It is a dextrose based biofertilizer


  • Increase the bioavailability of soil Phosphates for plants.
  • Improve the root proliferation.
  • Increase nutrient mobility.
  • Elicits the plant defence system.
  • Plays an important role in plant’s response to biotic stress.
  • Quality and shelf life of the product is enhanced.
  • Helps in improving crop productivity.

DOSAGE: For soil application:1-2 kg /acre, for seed treatment: 5-10 g/kg of seeds.

PHOSPORON: Application of phosphate solubilizing bacteria makes 30 to 50 kg of phosphorus available to crops per hectare. Fruits and leafy vegetables grow vigorously. Fruit bearing increases 20 to 30 percent in production. The quality of vegetables and fruits increases due to the availability of various hormones with increasing storage capacity. Soil fertility is maintained.

Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB): Phosphorus is the second most critical macronutrient after nitrogen required for metabolism, growth, and development of plants. Despite the abundance of phosphorus in both organic and inorganic forms in the soil, it is mostly unavailable for plant uptake due to its complexation with metal ions in the soil. The use of agrochemicals to satisfy the demand for phosphorus to improve crop yield has led to the deterioration of the ecosystem and soil health, as well as an imbalance in the soil microbiota. Consequently, there is a demand for an alternate cost-effective and eco-friendly strategy for the biofortification of phosphorus.

One such strategy is the application of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria which can solubilize insoluble phosphates in soil by different mechanisms like secretion of organic acids, enzyme production, and excretion of siderophores that can chelate the metal ions and form complexes, making phosphates available for plant uptake.

Important strains of PSB are Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus subtilis, Pseuomonas putida, Klebsiella sp., Bacillus licheniformis, Azospirillum brasilense, Pseudomonas fluorescens etc. These bacteria solubilize the unavailable phosphorus in soil and also restores the nutritional status of soil through diverse mechanisms in normal and stressed environment. Mechanism of phosphate solubilization by PSB in soil depends on dissolution and precipitation, sorption and desorption, and interconversion between organic and inorganic forms of phosphorus. These bacteria not only solubilize phosphates but also promote cell division, cell differentiation, shoot growth, root development, flowering, germination, and xylem differentiation by producing plant-growth-promoting hormones like auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins resulting in the plant growth and quality crop yield. PSB also promote antibiosis against pathogens, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid deaminase which enhances plant growth under stress conditions, improving plant resistance to heavy metal toxicity, and so on.

Recommended crops: All crops- Food Crops (Wheat, Maize, Rice, Millets and Pulses etc.), Cash Crops (Sugarcane, Tobacco, Cotton, Jute and Oilseeds etc.), Plantation Crops (Coffee, Coconut, Tea, and Rubber etc.), Horticulture crops (Fruits and Vegetables).

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