Phlori-S (Pseudomonas fluorescens)

  • A formulation containing Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.0% W.P. (Bio-Pesticide)
  • Spore count (CFU): 1×108 /g minimum)


  • Effectively controls soil borne pathogens causing-  
  • Bacterial wilt disease of Tomato, Brinjal, Okra 
  • Bacterial Soft rot disease of Carrot and  
  • Plant parasitic nematodes specifically Root-knot nematodes infecting Tomato, Brinjal, Carrot & Okra.

DOSAGE: For soil application: 2kg/acre, for seed treatment: 20-25 g/kg of seeds.

Phlori-S: It contains Pseudomonas fluorescens, a bacterium that effectively controls soil-borne bacterial and fungal diseases. Diseases like Fusarium Wilt, Pythium, Sclerotium are controlled. Similarly, it works as an anti-nematode. Application of FLORI-S increases the availability of iron to soil crops and also improves the availability of other micro, secondary and major nutrients.

Pseudomonas fluorescens: P. fluorescens is widely used as a bacterial biocontrol agent to suppress plant diseases through protection of root and seeds from diverse fungal infections. Pseudomonas imposes its biocontrol activity in phytopathogens through direct antagonism and there is also induction of disease resistance in the host plant. P. fluorescens reduce the effects of many fungal diseases and amplify plant growth.

Along with a promising biocontrol agent, P. fluorescens is plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for sustainable agriculture that can help in both plant growths as well as in the management of diverse plant diseases. It has been used as a bio-fertilizer as well as a biocontrol agent since decades in the field of agriculture. It has colossal potential in the fulfilment of plant nutrients, suppression of several phytopathogens, bioremediation etc. Therefore, it has immense potential as an alternative to agrochemicals, since it is cheaper, efficient, eco-friendly and an effective PGPR in the augmentation of crop yield.

Recommonded crops and target pests: It is effective in preventing blast (canker, leaf spot, Erwinia wilt etc.) on crops like tomato, vegetables etc. It also works in almost all crops, nursery plants.

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