NEEMOSIN (Azadirachtin 3000 ppm)

  • A formulation containing Neem Seed Kernel Based EC Containing Azadirachtin-0.3% w/w min (3000 ppm).
  • Botanical Insecticide- Azadirachtin: 0.3 g/kg of material (w/w) minimum


  • Neemosin effectively controls American bollworm of Cotton.


  • 4 L/ha diluted in 1000 ml water.
  • Apply as a prophylactic and\or at early stage of insect attack
  • Ensure complete coverage of canopy
  • Repeat spray at 7-10 days of interval based on the pest load

NEEMOSIN: The active ingredient present in NEEMOSIN is Azadirachtin (3000 ppm) extracted from the neem tree Azadirachta indica.

NEEMOSIN is Neem based Biopesticide containing 3000 ppm Azadirachtin, which can be used both as a prophylactic and at early stages of insect attack. NEEMOSIN effectively controls pests at all life stages such as egg, larva, pupa and adult.

Crop and targeted pest: American bollworm in Cotton.

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