• A Formulation Containing Potash Mobilizing Bacteria (KMB) not less than 5×107 CFU/g.
  • It is a dextrose based biofertilizer.


  • Increases the bioavailability of potash.
  • Increases immunity and Increases famine tolerance.
  • Helps in photosynthesis.
  • Improves soil health and fertility.
  • Enables to reach carbohydrates to roots and fruits.
  • Helps in accumulation of sugar in flowers and there by increases crop yield.
  • Controls the opening and closing of the stomata, there by helps in osmotic regulation.
  • Regulates soil pH.
  • Promotes the development of the size and color of the fruit.
  • Reduce the environmental impact of agriculture by reducing the need for chemical fertilizers.

DOSAGE: For soil application:1-2 kg /acre, for seed treatment: 5-10 g/kg of seeds.

K-WEALTH: Potash mobilizing bacteria (KMB) act to make available phosphorus that is immobilized in the soil but not available to crops. Due to this, various enzymes are produced and the insoluble potassium is converted into soluble form. It helps to obtain quality products. Due to application of K-Wealth 25-30% savings on chemical fertilizers can be achieved by making soil potash available to the crops.

Potash mobilizing bacteria (KMB):

Potassium is the second most important nutrient in agricultural soil after nitrogen. Sustainable utilization of K as an active macronutrient has immense importance, since K is involved with almost all kinds of biological reactions in plants. K is a major and essential macronutrient for normal plant growth and development. It can improve the resistance of crops in diverse biotic and abiotic stresses and against pests and diseases.

Potash mobilizing bacteria (KMB) such as Frateuria aurantia, Bacillus mucilagenosus, and Bacillus edaphicus are examples of microorganisms that are used as potassium biofertilizer and this stands a novel solution to convert insoluble form of soil potassium into soluble (plant available) form. These bacteria use a number of biological processes to make potassium available from unavailable forms. The mechanisms used by these bacteria for potassium solubilization include acidification, chelation, and exchange reactions. During acidification, the bacteria produce organic acids that lower the pH of the soil, which in turn dissolves the insoluble potassium compounds. Chelation involves the production of organic compounds that bind to the potassium ions, making them more soluble. Exchange reactions involve the replacement of other cations (such as calcium, magnesium, and sodium) with potassium ions, making them more available to plants.

KMB have the ability to mobilize the mineral nutrients in soil, thus, making it available for efficient plant uptake utilizing feldspar, waste mica or rock phosphate where unavailable K is converted to plant available form through KMB activity by mobilizing their K. Amino acids, vitamins and different growth promoting substances like indole acetic acids (IAA), gibberellins are usually produced by these beneficial KMB to promote plant growth. Microorganisms like Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans, Bacillus mucilaginosus, B. edaphicus, Burkholderia sp., Frateuria sp., Pseudomonas sp., Rhizobium sp., etc. are known for their potential in releasing insoluble native K-source in soil into a plant available nutrient pool. Bio-dissolution of mineral nutrients, thus, becomes an integral part of integrated nutrient management strategies.

Recommended crops: All crops- Food Crops (Wheat, Maize, Rice, Millets and Pulses etc.), Cash Crops (Sugarcane, Tobacco, Cotton, Jute and Oilseeds etc.), Plantation Crops (Coffee, Coconut, Tea, and Rubber etc.), Horticulture crops (Fruits and Vegetables).

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