BEVERON (Beauveria bassiana)

  • A formulation containing Beauveria bassiana 1.15% W.P. (Bio-Pesticide)
  • Spore count (CFU): 1 x 108 /g minimum
  • Effectively controls plant pathogens and pests causing:
  • Leaf Folder,
  • Stemborer, 
  • Effectively controls insects:
  • Caterpillar, 
  • Bollworm and other insects.

DOSAGE: For soil application:1kg/acre, for seed treatment: 20-25 g/kg of seeds.

BEVERON: It is an ecofriendly biological insecticide based on Entomopathogenic fungi containing spores of Beauveria bassiana which effectively controls Leaf Folder in rice, whiteflies on soybean crops, also used to control aphids, lepidopteron larvae, and other pests. B. bassiana has been found effective for the control of spider mites, eucalyptus snout beetle, coffee berry borer, also widely used against thrips, Hemiptera including whitefly, aphids, psyllids, mealybugs, plantbugs, leafhoppers and a wide range of Curculionidae, Chrysomelidae in the Coleoptera, Orthoptera, such as grasshoppers.

Such a dual function of B. bassiana against both insect pests and plant pathogens is an integrated approach to pest management that will lead to new strategies in development of ecologically based pest management systems.

Beauveria bassiana: B. bassiana is a soil borne hyphomycetous fungus with entomopathogenic properties and have an extensive host range of insects at all stages of development. This fungus colonizes plants endophytically, and control insects systemically with no harmful effects to the plant host.

B. bassiana produces several potent toxic motabolites with antibacterial, antifungal, cytotoxic, and insecticidal activities. These compounds are responsible for some of its entomopathogenic properties. These toxic metabolites include beauvericin, bassianolide, oosporein, and cyclosporin A. Beauvericin is a cyclic depsipeptide. Both beauvericin and bassianolide are ionophorous secondary metabolites. These toxins dissolve within lipid bilayers and increase the permeability of cell membranes to specific ions. In tum, abnormal ion transport disrupts the function of intact cells or organelles. In addition, oxalate crystals found within the insects infected with B. bassiana depicts its lethal effect.  The detrimental effects of these metabolites on insects & microorganisms and deleterious effects on growth of plant pathogens proved its dual-purpose biological control. 

Recommended crops: Wheat, corn, peanuts, soybeans, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, sugarcane, coffee, tea.

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