• A formulation containing beneficial Rhizobium, probiotic Bacillus spp. Not less than 5×1010 CFU/g
  • It is a dextrose based biofertilizer


  • Enhance the growth and immunity of plants by inhibiting the growth of plant fungal
  • Increase nutrient mobility.
  • Control of soil borne fungal diseases in crops.
  • Elicit the plant defence system.
  • Increase NPK uptake under drought conditions.
  • Improve root proliferation, effective against damping.
  • Improve the crop productivity.
  • Enhance quality and shelf life of the produce.

DOSAGE: For soil application:1-2kg/acre, for seed treatment: 5-10 g/kg of seeds


A formulation containing beneficial Rhizobium, Bacillus spp.) are commonly available beneficial bacteria. This bacterium can survive for a long time even in adverse conditions. These bacteria increase the availability of nutrients in the soil and are beneficial for maintaining crop vigor by producing some of the organisms required by the crop to withstand water stress in drought-like conditions. This bacterium secretes enzymes like chitinase, lipase, gluconase, cellulase, protease, Also, because they secrete antibiotic substances like lipopeptide – fengisin, surfactin, iturin, the work of creating immunity against fungal and bacterial diseases transmitted from the soil is also done well by these bacteria. These bacteria release essential plant growth hormones like IAA, cytokinin, gibberellins which are beneficial for better plant growth. This bacterium works to reduce the amount of ethylene in crops and orchards. Which helps to increase the storage capacity of produce, grains, fruits, vegetables by keeping the crop green for longer.

Bacillus spp. improves crop growth in both direct and indirect ways through nitrogen fixation, P and K solubilization, phytohormones production, quorum quenching, biofilm formation, and lytic enzymes production. Moreover, Bacillus spp. boost plant resistance towards the notorious phytopathogens.

A variety of Bacillus spp., including B. velezensis, B. subtilis, B. macerans, B. circulans, B. azotofixans, B. coagulans have plant growth-promoting attributes like phosphate solubilization, nitrogen fixation, production of siderophores, phytohormones, production of antimicrobial compounds, and systemically induced disease resistance through which Bacillus spp. promote plant growth in direct and indirect ways.

BACILEX increases the availability of phosphorus. Also, it increases the availability of micronutrients like zinc, iron. BACILEX should be applied at the rate of 250 grams per acre by drenching or dripping. Do not use chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides and fungicides for 4 days before and 4 days after using BACILEX.

Recommended crops: All crops- Food Crops (Wheat, Maize, Rice, Millets and Pulses etc.), Cash Crops (Sugarcane, Tobacco, Cotton, Jute and Oilseeds etc.), Plantation Crops (Coffee, Coconut, Tea, and Rubber etc.), Horticulture crops (Fruits and Vegetables).

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